511124M Brake Assembly - 7.6 x .100/.125 x 9 High Pressure
Part Number: 511124M
Part Type: Brake Assembly - 7.6 x .100/.125 x 9 High Pressure
Aircraft: P-51
Condition: Repair
Status: Serviceable
Work Completed: Disassembled, Cleaned, Inspected for Damage, Tagnite Coating applied to backplate, New rotors and stators installed and adjusted to .056" Clearance, new O-ring installed.
Work Performed following AN09-60JE-2, Section IV, Paragraph 6a(5).
Our BLOG goes into great detail about the P-51 Stock Goodyear Brakes. Take some time to learn more about the function, inspection, makeup, and failure modes of P-51 brakes (P/N 511124M) in our technical BLOG on Goodyear brake assemblies and wheels.